Susanne & Soren

I got my first Bearded Collie in 1992, he was born November the 30. 1991 Sheepish's Tobby Toy Tuesday - Tobias. Tobias came from Kennel Sheepish, which also Sheepish's Nineteen-Ninety-Nine Jonas came from.

Jonas - Susanne - Ekko and Tobias

I started very early interest in work with the Bearded Collie. The Bearded Collie is incredibly smart, calculated and creative, it loved to solve puzzles with me, and no matter what task it was. Seeing the joy when the Bearded worked, was a beautiful  sight - A twinkle in its eye. I have for many years during agility, first with  Tobias and then with Rose.

I also have a longstanding interest, herding with the Bearded Collie, my first Jonas and then Em and now Leeza. Jonas and Rose have been instinct testet in Sweden Rose by 5 in interest. Em has also had her instincttest in September 2011. I went one obedience course with Tobias, it was not a success for either of us, therefore we found quickly to other interests but the desire to come through an obedience class has always been with me. Jonas was great fun, doing exercises, and he so wanted. Jonas and I went on several courses, and eventually to go to trial in Class 1 We achieved many good results and in 2007 we participated in the final with the titel Danish Kennel Klubs Obedience class 1 2007 and the same year, Jonas took the titel BCKLP dog 2007 (Danish Bearded Collie Club Obedience dog). Leeza is also really good obedience, and we've gained in Class 1 to 171.5 points out 180 of possible.

Courage and curiosity are typical properties of the Bearded Collie by instinct, as we weigh very high among our offspring. Therefore, itŽs also a priority that, our bitch and the dog we choose have instinct.

Soren got his first Bearded Collie in 1984 from Kennel Shetlana. It was Fanny, and a year later came Jennifer named daily Jensen, also from Kennel Shetlana, she was half sister to Fanny.

Ekko was SorenŽs boy, Soren had him from his first day he came into the world, and Ekko was also at Soren and later with me in all that time he lived. A really funny boy. Tobias and Ekko had their little "Fights" every daybut they could not do without each other, always went on together - Soren and I had many nicknames for both of them, including Oscar and Felix from the film and theater "Old grumpy Men / The Odd Couple"

Soren with the boys Jonas, Ekko and Tobias, it was before that, Rose came to us.


Soren with Rose on his arm in front of Animal Center at the airport


Rose - First time out the crate, receipted with a kiss on my forehead


Susanne very early in the morning at North Westh airline,

 that had coffee and rolls for guests


A summer day on the walk. Rose has come to us, so we have now August 2003


Here are the boys in the month of December with lots of snow.

Well met with Soren and Susanne